Monday, May 25, 2009

i would do anything for love

i would do anything for love
i'd run right into hell and back
im still waiting to meet my fairy tale prince. it's like a code that all girls have one, isn't it? somewhere is a boy just waiting for his princess. and here i am waiting for my prince. i wonder if we'll ever find each other.
heh, still feeling terribly romantic. could you tell?
maybe i already found my prince. maybe he just hasn't put on his pretty outfit and crown. maybe i've known him for a while, i just don't know he's my prince.
i hope he comes along eventually. i could use a daily hug. Elijah (bro) is NOT huggable. he's way too tense. he's a grump. meh. my assumed prince (won't say any names ;]) is extremely fun to hug. very soft, very warm. very generally huggable.
oh well. i'll just wait. like the good little teeny bopper i am! ;) lol
by the way, notice the new layout? pretty cool, right? i like it. it's beautifully simple.
hmm... today's album recommendation... huh. no clue. how about... i dunno. i've got lots of Danny Gokey in my ipod. buy some of that. yep yep.
later. btyl

0 heart(s):