holy crap has it been awhile!!
sorry, everyone. i'm just super busy these days. plus whenever i get some spare time, i spend it with friends and family. a good excuse, right? :)
so nothing much exciting. Belle is super freaked about her masquerade dress, but i'm not too worried about the masquerade, personally. i don't think anyone likes me and i'm not as pretty as a lot of the other girls, so the masquerade will probably just be another friend event for me. that's okay. i like friends. :)
everyone's going to be wearing a mask at the masquerade. on TV and movies, people never know anyone when they're wearing a mask, but we ALL know that's bull! you can recognize their voice! and just because they cover part of their face doesn't mean you can't recognize them! what about how tall they are, the kinds of things they say, how they carry themselves, who else you see them talking to?! i'm not going to be fooled! and i'm not going to let any of my friends be fooled, either! lol i sound like such a party pooper!
so that's all for now! btyl!
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